Description Of My Promise Land
10 When the LORD your God brings you into the land he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you—a land with large, flourishing cities you did not build, 11 houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant—then when you eat and are satisfied, 12 be careful that you do not forget the LORD, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. [Deuteronomy 6:10-12, NIV]
Other References: Deuteronomy 8:6-10; Deuteronomy 11:10-12
These are the promises of God concerning our situation no matter the level where you are at right now. Confess them and visualize them happening over your situation. Say after me. “My promise land…………….”
1. It is a land I have not labored or fought for. I have gotten it by inheritance being my reward for obedience to God and He keeping to His word.
2. They shall be great and goodly cities. Those cities shall be splendid, very large and flourishing and I did not build them AV, NASB, NIV
3. The houses shall be full of all good things which I did not fill up myself.
4. Wells which I have not dug shall be mine. These cisterns will be hewn out before my arrival. I am simply stepping into my inheritance. There shall be vineyards and olive trees that shall delight my soul. These have not been planted by me but God shall cause me to inherit them.
5. It is a land of brooks/streams and ponds of water. Fountains and springs flow from the valleys and hills.
6. The land grows wheat, barley, vines, figs and pomegranates. It brings olive and honey. There is an abundance of food, no scarcity. I lack nothing in this land.
7. Rocks are iron and the hills yield copper in that land.
8. I will not need to water the land laboriously. The land receives its waters from the rains of heaven.
9. It is a land of hills and valleys. It is a land which the LORD Himself cares for.
10 The eyes of the LORD are always upon it from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.
1. Thank God for your inheritance in Christ Jesus.
2. Thank God for unprecedented favour which no man nor can any power of hell stop coming on you from today in Jesus Name.
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