Encounter with the Almighty: A Mission Possible.
Bible Nugget 0222 [Job 42: 5 – 6, KJV]
5I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.
6Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.
Whether one meets God or you hears his voice, the effects are alike. It is called an encounter with the Lord. You are caught between the Rock Himself who is the Rock of Ages and a hard place. If you flee from the Rock, you enter the territory of the enemy, that is the devil whose mission is to steal to kill and to destroy [John 10:10] but if you stay with the Rock, he melts and moulds you. Have you had an unforgettable encounter with the Lord? How do you think God looks like if you encountered him face to face? An encounter with God leaves a permanent memory. It will be so vivid that you can say I know when it happened to me and nothing can remove that meeting from my spirit. You can hear of somebody and it has no direct relevance to you or you can hear of someone and it has a dumbfounding impact on your life. When you meet God you meet the greatest mirror, because he is a spiritual mirror who tells you what you are.
Job had an encounter with the Lord and was honest with himself. You must be honest with yourself and be ready to amend your ways for the encounter with God to be real.
When you have met the Lord, your life will be completely reversed, you will undergo complete overhaul; a new thing will begin to happen. When Peter encountered Jesus he exclaimed depart from me for I am a sinner. Isaiah saw the Lord and said “Woe is me”, Ezekiel saw God and fell on his face; Daniel saw the Lord and said I was like a dead man. Paul when he was Saul of Tarsus met the Lord and the effect wore on and revamped the early church. Wouldn’t you like to have a special encounter with this unchanging changer himself? Pray fervently and let His presence fill your heart. He will leave an impression in your spirit that he has visited you.
Prayer Nugget 0222
Oh Lord opens my ears to hear your voice. Let the sound of your voice be sweet to my ears. I ask for your forgiveness in wandering away from your presence. My ears will not be dull of hearing anymore in Jesus Name. My eyes will see the glory of the Lord. Trample down every evil vintage in my life. Let me live on a higher ground where I can see you and have fellowship with you. Every spiritual cataract disturbing my clear vision of the Almighty, clear in the Name of Jesus. Make my walk to be closer to you everyday. I will walk with you in the light of your word in Jesus Name. Amen.
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