Upward looking
Author: Esther Agbi
Bible Nugget 0606 [Colossians 3:2, KJV]
If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
2. Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth.
God wants us to be focused on things above. The question now arises. What are those things above? This same passage tells us Christ is above, making intersession for you and me. We also know that God is above. He is sitting on his throne and the earth is his foot stool. The angelic host and the 24 elders are worshiping the most high day in day out.
Some of the definitions of the word “set” are to adjust, lay or stand in a certain position, make or become permanent.
As we begin to worship God right here on earth, we are positioning our selves for eternity, which will become permanent in due time. The love of God wells up in us and we continue to increase in our heavenly treasures. No little wonder the scripture says where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Let us as Christians risen with him continue to love what God loves and despise what He hates. The Holy Spirit will help us to adjust our lives to please Him as our aspirations, hope and our mental disposition is upward looking.
In the same manner, when Jesus ascended into heaven, the disciples set their gaze towards heaven until the angels of God came to them and said, this same Jesus shall return in the same manner as you see him go.
I pray that the lord will not only allow us to be looking upward physically, but spiritually
also, until his coming in Jesus name. Amen.
Prayer Points 0606
- Lord, any cataract preventing me, from seeing you clearly, blot out from my way by your power.
- Father, make my affections to be in line with yours, in Jesus name. Amen
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