Exercise stimulates your body healing abilities
- Studies show that exercisers pay half in medical bills and have one-third the number of sick days
- Exercise burns away excess weight, lowers blood pressure, improves the cholesterol profile, improves blood sugar and insulin dynamics, helps prevent bone-thinning osteoporosis, helps alleviate chronic lower back pain, and improves immune function, mood and mental performance.
- Zero exercise = tripled chance of a heart attack.
- Study at the university of North Carolina at Chapel Hill showed:
- An inactive person’s risk of heart attack is the same as someone who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day.
Physical Benefits of Exercise
- Increases general bodily performance and agility
- 4,500 people ages 40 to 85 were studied at Brown University by Vincent Mor, PhD.
- Those who remain physically active throughout their later years can gain as much as a 25-year advantage in performance over those who retire to their easy chairs.
- Moderate activity, such as walking was all that was needed to keep these people active.
- Lower death rate from all diseases
- 16,936 Harvard alumni were tracked for many years about their exercise habit. It was found that those men burned 2000 calories or more a week in exercise had a 28% lower death rate than men who exercised less or not at all. Ralph Paffenberger Jr., M.D., PhD, one of the authors of this study stated, “… for every hour you walk, you can add an hour to your life”.
- Reduced risk of cancer
- 5,000 female graduates (1925-1981) from Harvard University were studied. The less active showed…two and a half times greater risk of developing cancer compared to the former athletes among them. The sedentary group had twice the risk for breast cancer, as well as two to four times more cancer of the uterus, ovaries, cervix, and vagina.
- Reduced Risk of Heart Disease
- Study of 2000 men at university of Minnesota public health for 7 years. The researchers found that the least active men had a 30 percent greater chance of death from heart attacks than moderately active men.
- Lower Blood pressure
- Dr Martin put 19 sedentary men with mild hypertension (high blood pressure) on a 10 week mild aerobic program. Blood pressures went from 137/95 to 130/80.
- Reduced back pain and back problems
- Walking can be a wonderful preventive and curative of the most common kind of muscular backache. Even some cases of back pain where a disk problem has been identified will respond well to regular, rhythmic walking – three to six times a week, for 30 to 60 minutes per session.”
- 492 people polled with a variety of back problems. 98 percent of those made walking a part of their regular routine found it helpful.
Emotional Benefits of Exercise
- It is an anti-depressant.
- A doctoral thesis that reviewed 77 studies concluded that depression exits the body along with sweat. In fact, wrote Thomas Christian North, Ph. D’, exercise appears to be a better anti-depression treatment than psychobiological treatment
- 81 different studies found that in 70% of the studies, significant improvement in mental state was associated with fitness.
- When you exercise, endorphins (anti-depressants) are released into your body and you experience a sense of well-being called “runners high” – but all aerobic exercise cause this wonderful sensation. It will last for several hours.
2. It allows you to handle stress more effectively
Mental Benefits of Exercise
1. Exercise enhances one’s mental abilities. Exercisers score higher in reasoning, reaction time, and memory tests.
2. The rhythmic flow of the exercise enhances creative flow.
Why does exercise heal?
1. Exercise enhances the Immune System.
- Speeds up the movement of lymph (our inner artillery) through the lymph system fifteen up to thirty fold. So as you flex your body during exercise, you move your inner army of germ fighters into high gear. This is one of the most outstanding insights I personally received from my study on health and nutrition.
2. Exercise reduces fat.
- Those who exercise become leaner. Cancer thrives more readily in fatty tissue than lean tissue.
3. Exercise reduces constipation
- Constipation has been linked with colon cancer, and inactive people are likely to be constipated. Exercise stimulates the peristaltic action of the intestines, and those results in regular and more frequent bowel movements.
4. Exercise increases blood flow.
- Small arteries can begin to shut down through lack of physical activity. Exercise expands and reopens these blood vessels. It is the flow of blood that oxygenates your body and carries away wastes. So exercise both detoxifies your system and oxygenates your cells.
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