The Coming Of Jesus Approved
1 Thess. 3:10-13 {NASB}
10 For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either. 11 For we hear that some among you are leading an undisciplined life, doing no work at all, but acting like busybodies. 12 Now such persons we command and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ to work in quiet fashion and eat their own bread. 13 But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary of doing good.
I recently came back from a mission field to Nigeria. I went with my son who is 15 years of age and has never been to Africa even though he has an African descent. This was quite an exciting trip because he was caught up with various fascinating things that he could not help taking pictures. None of those varied scenes was strange to me because I had spent 38 years of my life in Africa before I came to North America. I also called his attention to some of the beautiful but funny scenes that I supposed he did not see because there were so many things to take pictures of and he had only two hands. It was a time like this one would desire to have ten hands due to the abundance of strange but funny activities going on.
Back to my topic, when you talk about the second coming of Jesus, some people turn their faces away and say that people in the Bible days also heard about this and even thought that Jesus would be coming very shortly. Bible scholars believed that some of the Apostles thought the coming of Jesus was going to be in their days. Some of the converts in Apostle Paul’s days thought that it was not necessary to continue to work probably due to laziness or because of the coming of Jesus, because after all, if Christ was coming, there was no need to gather money for different projects, including money for sustenance. I also believed that Jesus is coming back, but probably in a long time from now. My belief did not stop me from continuing in my Christian Faith and working as well.
In about 2001 when I came to North America, I had a dream or night vision. In this dream, I saw that there was jubilation in heaven and the sky was filled with balloons for celebration. I was very happy because I thought the revelation was all about rapture, the second coming of Jesus {1Thes.4:13-15, 22}. I told a few of my friends who were Christians and we were all expectant, waiting for His coming. This is now 2016, we are still waiting. My family and I were watching a program on T.V last night and the minister of God was saying that the coming is imminent. I told my children that I completely agree with the minister but that no one knows the time. In fact, I said that I believe we are already in the season, but God only knows when Jesus will be coming back on earth. This was what Jesus said Himself. The times and seasons we will know but only God Himself knows the exact time {Mark 13:32}.
This is well known to those who are Christians. This is the foundation of our Christianity, that Christ lived, died and He is coming back again. If there was no resurrection, then there would be no hope for eternal life for Christians {1Corinth.15:12-19}.
Why His coming back is important to me is that I had another dream tonight, September 5th, 2016. I saw the write up and I read it aloud in the dream ‘The coming of Jesus Approved”. I woke up and gave thanks to the Lord. I prayed for those in nations where it is difficult for people to have access to the word of God and that they may have easier access and become saved. I also prayed for my family members who are not yet saved. Then I asked myself, then what? The Spirit prompted me to tell others. I said okay, but how? I then remembered that we have a blog that has not received any recent publications for months. I felt very sorry and stood up immediately from my bed to write.
I believe the Lord wants us to have it uppermost in our minds that He is coming very soon and that we should be about our Fathers’ business to spread the good news to all. Whether He is coming today or in 1000 years the work of God in the mission fields and all over the world must continue.
This brings me back to our mission field. We saw with our own eyes the needs in this particular mission field and the needs in others are abundant as well.
It is my prayer that the Lord will give us strength and wisdom to do His work, both spiritual and secular until He comes.
Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus.
God bless you.
Esther Agbi