Key Theme Toxins and garbage must be allowed to leave our bodies readily, or our bodies remain un-cleansed and poor health results.
Foundation of Good Health
1. Build your immune system,
2. Detoxify your body, and
3. Nourish your cells
The healing power of proper bowel management is very important for longevity.
Strong Colon Cleansing
If your immune system is strong, it will constantly wash all damaged mutated cells and toxic poisons out of your system. The three ways these damaged cells are discharged are through:
- The lungs
- The bowel and kidneys
- The skin (two pounds per day)
Eat High-Fibre Foods
- The bowels is supposed to discharge a meal within eighteen hours after it is eaten
- Because of the type of low-fibre diet we eat, many people have ten extra meals jammed up in their intestines.
- The Genesis diet is a –high—–fiber diet.
- If the bowel is stock up or only partially functioning, these toxins are not effectively eliminated from your system. Instead, they recirculate and are dumped in areas which create abscesses, open sores, arthritis, headaches, etc.
Constipation is a widespread problem
Chronic constipation is often the result of a diet high in protein, fat, and refined carbohydrates (sugars and refined flours), but low in such fibrous foods as whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
- The intestines are to be filled with friendly flora, called Acidophilus, providing an acid bowel environment.
- Bacillus coli are unfriendly bacteria which grow in an alkaline environment. They are easily produced by taking protein for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Or by taking antibiotic drugs. This unfriendly bacterium reaches as high as 85% of the floral life in the colon of the average American. To restore the proper floral content in your intestines, you must eat the Genesis diet (i.e. low-fat, low-cholesterol, and high-fiber), and should probably supplement with acidophilus for two to four weeks. You can tell when the flora is changed because you stools are soft, frequent (three times a day), and free from putrid or rancid odor.
We cannot have a healthy body without clean blood, and we cannot have clean blood unless we have a clean bowel with good tone to move wastes along properly. A toxic bowel is the source of many health problems.
Do a colon cleanse at least once a year. December or January is a good month to start (I incorporated it with my year-end fast).
What the colon does
The colon (also known as the large intestine) is the final stop in food’s journey through the digestive tract. The colon absorbs fluid from indigestible food residue and produces solid waste for elimination. “The colon is essentially a waste-storage organ that lets you control when the waste is released,” says gastroenterologist Dr. Clarence KW Wong, associate professor of medicine at the University of Alberta.
But this organ does much more than just act as your body’s garbage shoot. “The colon is also important for fluid, electrolytes (salts) and fatty-acid absorption. These can be important for systemic health. As well, the colon holds a large number of commensal bacteria [“good bacteria”], which may hold many benefits for the body,” he adds.
Signs of a healthy colon
If you’re not thinking much about your colon, chances are good that it’s healthy. Regular bowel movements and no pain, bloating, diarrhea or bleeding likely mean that all systems are good.
Signs of possible colon trouble
There are a number of symptoms that may indicate a colon-health issue, but they can also be associated with other problems. “Digestive symptoms may stem from a temporary illness such as flu, a reaction to certain medications or a more chronic underlying condition,” Wong explains. So it’s important to recognize what’s out of the ordinary for you—and to communicate any of the following to your doctor:
• Chest pain
• Heartburn
• Constipation
• Bloating and/or excessive gas
• Stomach pain and/or cramps
• Difficulty swallowing
• Nausea
• Rectal bleeding
• Diarrhea
• Mucus in stool
• Changes in bowel habits
Urgent signs of colon trouble
Although the symptoms above call for you to make an appointment with your doctor, the symptoms below indicate you need see a healthcare professional right away for prompt medical attention, Wong advises:
• Diarrhea that lasts more than five days
• Unintended weight loss
• Persistent vomiting
• Black tarry stools
• Bright red blood in your stool or bloody diarrhea
• Unexplained fatigue
• Pain in the stomach area that improves or worsens when you eat
• Persistent fever
• Pain when having a bowel movement
• Abdominal pain that is persistent and severe or that wakes you from sleep
• Persistent heartburn that is not relieved with over-the-counter antacids
How to keep your colon healthy
It’s amazing how the same healthy lifestyle habits most experts recommend for weight loss and general good health apply equally to the promotion of good colon health. Want to keep your digestive tract on track? Here are some of Wong’s top tips:
• Drink plenty of water and other caffeine-free fluids
• Drink caffeine and alcohol in moderation
• Don’t smoke
• Get regular exercise
• Eat a balanced diet that’s high in fibre. Women should aim to get 25 grams of fibre daily and men should get 32 grams.
What is God asking me to do as a result of the insights of this Session?
- Continue regular fasting program and drink plenty of water. For example, doing 14-day water fasting quarterly.
- Continue with my regular exercise so I slim down my stomach waistline and eat light foods.
- Add acidophilus to my vitamins and minerals regimen so that my intestines are filled with friendly flora, providing an acid bowel environment.