The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God (Psalm 14:2). Too often we seek a “word” about us from the prophetic tense. How often do we seek a “word” about Him from the “presence” tense? There are those among us who can reveal the secrets of men’s hearts. Where are those among us who can reveal the secrets of God’s heart? Are there any who understand, who seek after God?
(Tommy Tenney)
God’s eyes run to and fro the whole earth to show Himself strong on the behalf of those whose heart is perfect towards Him (2 Chron. 16:9). He sends His signal to every heart on the earth including hearts in those nations that do not know God and when He sees a heart that wants to serve Him, He zeros in on that heart and strikes an accord with that heart. That appears to be the way He found Abraham (Gen 12:1-4), and how He found Balaam the prophet among the heathen, and it appears is the same tactics He uses today. Whereas Abraham served God with his whole heart and is known as the father of faith, Balaam ended up as a soothsayer. When we seek God, we will be known of Him. He does not delay. He sends His emissary our way and tells His angels to fetch us through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Remember the story of the prodigal son! The Father was too willing to have His son back. Jesus said in the “Parable of the Sheep” that for a sheep that is lost, the shepherd would seek the sheep even to the mountains until he finds it and adds it to his fold of ninety nine other sheep that were not lost so his sheep will be complete as one hundred (Matt. 18:12-14).
Similarly, when God finds a heart that is right before Him, he is pleased, and does not have to wonder whether that heart will be lost forever from Him. In fact He goes all out to seek for that heart. Once found, He begins to prepare for the person’s homecoming like it was with the prodigal son. He throws a party and the angels in heaven rejoice over a heart that genuinely repents and seek to dwell forever in the Father’s kingdom. Our life’s journey as believers is to be guided by His Spirit and finally make heaven, seeing His glorious Face.
A perfect heart to God is a heart that loved Him as David did. There are other Bible characters that loved God despite their circumstances. They include Joseph in Egypt, Daniel in the land of Babylon and Hannah, the mother of Samuel just to name a few. God wants every heart to understand, turn from its foolish ways and seek after Him. He says seek me early while I may be found. Let the wicked man turn from his ways and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let them return to the Lord and I will abundantly pardon…… (Isaiah 55:6-7).
When we seek a “word” from a prophet’s mouth, we are “cherry-picking” but when we receive a “word” from him focused at his “presence”, we are ready to receive what He offers us. That was the case of Saul who visited Samuel for a word about his missing donkeys (1 Sam. 9:3-20). However, when Saul had opportunity to talk one-to-one with Samuel and use the time to listen to him more intently, get the wisdom into his heart that he needed to be a good ruler, Saul did not allow the word to sink into his heart. I think that was the time Samuel began to have doubt about Saul, whether he would be a successful king or not. The prophet saw into his heart that this was going to be a disobedient king (1 Sam. 9:25-27).
We know what He offers us is always better than what we seek for. He says, my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). When we are in close companionship to the Holy Spirit, He reveals the mind of God to us (1 Cor. 2:9-16). The heart of God is full of good counsel for His children. When we have spiritual understanding, we’ll draw it out (Prov. 20:5).
The heart of God is also like a deep well full of treasures. The problem is we do not understand how to get to it. There is a veil of foolishness that covers our eyes. If only God showed us a glimpse of His treasures He has for us when we fear Him and serve Him with perfect heart, we will be dancing on our toes and praising Him from morning until midnight daily. Ephesians 5:17 reads: do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Seeking His wisdom removes that foolishness from our hearts. When we allow the word of Christ to dwell in our heart richly, then truly we have found the treasure of inestimable value (Col. 3:16), We will learn and pray about this in the New Year, 2019 by His Grace.
May the word of God be found on solid ground in our hearts in Jesus name! Amen and amen!!
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